KYKNET show MAATBAND has featured the PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy) on several occasions.
On the MAATBAND episode that aired on the 15 September 2015, Dr Riekie used dermaV's PLATELET RICH PLASMA (PRP) for the treatment of a sport injury.
They also investigates the claim that Platelet rich Plasma (commonly referred to as PRP) speeds up recovery of sports injuries.
And chats with former Springbok Krynauw Otto about this treatment and how it helped him recover and made it possible to klimb Mount Kilimanjaro

YOU Magazine features Khanyi Mbau
undergoing a PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy) or Vampire Facial treatment.

dermaV product feature in the AESTHETIC & ANTI-ANGEING Magazine - THE COSMECEUTICAL CORNER
The dermaV d-toxx face mask and d-toxx exfoliant was featured as part of the Face Care Anti-Ageing facial lotions and serum selection.
The dermaV d-cellulite body lotion was featured as part of the Body Care selection.

dermaV Pharmaceutcals celluVance Topical PRP Gel, a Personalised After Care Product for Biological Skin Repair
This month (May 2018) A2 Aesthetic & Anti-Ageing Magazine did a sponsored feature about dermaV’s new celluVance Topical PRP Gel, a Personalised After Care Product for Biological Skin Repair.
To read more about it, head to the article: http://www.a2magazine.co.za/2018/05/celluvancetm-topical-prp-gel-a-personalised-after-care-product-for-biological-skin-repair.html

PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy) or Vampire Facial was explained by Nicole de Gruchy in an PEOPLE Magazine feature.

dermaV hosted a Platelet-rich Plasma injection techniques for skin rejuvenation Hands-on demonstration and training at the annual Aesthetic Medical Congress South Africa.
AAMSSA is a scientific non-profit society to regulate the scientific and legitimate practice of Aesthetic and Anti-aging medicine; establish relationships amongst the different medical specialties; provide medico-legal support in conjunction with medico legal societies; mutual support amongst members and improve relationships amongst the members with government authorities, the Health Professions Council of South Africa, medical representing societies, medico legal societies, ethical committees, medical professions and related aspects or bodies. The AAMSSA endeavours to advance the growth, respectability and knowledge development in these fields of medicine in South Africa.
Our society offers benefits and support in neighbouring countries in Southern Africa to health professionals directly or through representatives.
The AAMSSA is proudly affiliated to the International Union of Aesthetic Medicine (UIME).
Our members have numerous benefits in aspects of scientific literature, medico-legal support and inter-professional support. We have quarterly newsletters with updated medical scientific information, bimonthly CPD (CME) accredited meetings and trainings, advanced courses in aesthetic and anti-aging medicine, a quarterly journal called the South African Aesthetic Review with CPD(CME) accredited articles and we offer our members reduced congress and training rates and involvement in public awareness campaigns.

In the March 2017 Issue of RUNNER'S WORLD the use of Platelet-Rich Plasma(PRP) is discussed. Click on the link to read more:

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dermaV Pharmaceuticals representative Colette Steenekamp chatting all things PRP (Platelet-rich Plasma) with Jeremy Mansfield and Dr. Vicki Schutte on the Mansfield2Day show.
Watch the interview to find out more about this revolutionary treatment and how it can be used to treat hair loss and many other things.